Norway People, Population, Religion and Nationality


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Norway People

Browse the information below for demographic information on Norway, including population, religion, nationality and more. If you do not find the Norway information you need on the people page, check out our complete listing on the Norway Country Page.

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    Nationality: Noun and adjective--Norwegian(s).
    Population* (2002 est.): 4,524,066.
    Annual growth rate* (2000): 0.467%.
    Density: Approx. 13 per sq. km.
    Ethnic groups: Norwegian (Nordic, Alpine, Baltic), Sami, a racial-cultural minority of 20,000; foreign nationals (315,147) from Nordic and other countries.
    Religion* (2002): Evangelical Lutheran, 86%; other Christian, 4%; Muslim, 1.5%; other, none, and unknown, 8.5%.
    Languages: Norwegian (official), Sami; English is widely spoken.
    Education*: Years compulsory--10. Literacy--100%.
    Health*: Infant mortality rate--3.9/1,000. Life expectancy (2001)--men 7576.21,96 yrs; women 81.53 yrs.
    Work force* (2001, 2.278 million): Government, social, personal services--37.6%; wholesale and retail trade, hotels, restaurants--17.5%; manufacturing and mining--12.7%; transport and communications--7.4%; financing, insurance, real estate, business services--12%; agriculture, forestry, fishing--3.9%; construction--6.7%; oil extraction--1.4%.
    *(Source: Central Bureau of Statistics Norway 2003).

    People of Norway
    Ethnically, Norwegians are predominantly Germanic, although in the far north there are communities of Sami who came to the area more than 10,000 years ago, probably from central Asia. In recent years, Norway has become home to increasing numbers of immigrants, foreign workers, and asylum-seekers from various parts of the world. Immigrants now total over 300,000; some have obtained Norwegian citizenship.

    Although the Evangelical Lutheran Church is the state church, Norway has complete religious freedom. Education is free through the university level and is compulsory from ages 6 to 16. At least 12 months of military service and training are required of every eligible male. Norway's health system includes free hospital care, physician's compensation, cash benefits during illness and pregnancy, and other medical and dental plans. There is a public pension system.

    Norway is in the top rank of nations in the number of books printed per capita, even though Norwegian is one of the world's smallest language groups. Norway's most famous writer is the dramatist Henrik Ibsen. Artists Edvard Munch and Christian Krogh were Ibsen's contemporaries. Munch drew part of his inspiration from Europe and in turn exercised a strong influence on later European expressionists. Sculptor Gustav Vigeland has a permanent exhibition in the Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo. Musical development in Norway since Edvard Grieg has followed either native folk themes or, more recently, international trends.


  • Norway Geography
  • Norway Government
  • Norway Economy
  • Norway History