Monaco People, Population, Religion and Nationality


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Monaco People

Browse the information below for demographic information on Monaco, including population, religion, nationality and more. If you do not find the Monaco information you need on the people page, check out our complete listing on the Monaco Country Page.

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    Nationality: Noun and adjective--Monegasque.
    Population (2000 census) 32,020.
    Annual growth rate (2001 est.): 0.46%.
    Ethnic groups (2000 census): Monegasque 19%, French 32%, Italian 20%, other 29%. Religion: Roman Catholic 90%, other 10%.
    Languages: French (official), English, Italian, and Monegasque (a blend of French and Italian).
    Education: Years compulsory--10, ages 6-16. Attendance--99%. Literacy--99%.
    Health (2001 est.): Infant mortality--5.83/1,000. Life expectancy--75.04 yrs male; 83.12 yrs female. Number of births per year (July 2001 est.) 310. Number of deaths per year (July 2001 est.) 414. Work force (2000, 38,595): Private sector--35,168. Public sector--3,427. Services--46%. Banking--7%. Tourism and hotel--17%. Retail--12%. Construction and public works--7%. Industry--11%.

    People of Monaco
    In 2001, Monaco's population was estimated at 32,020, with an estimated average growth rate of 0.46%.

    French is the official language; English, Italian, and Monegasque (a blend of French and Italian) also are spoken. The literacy rate is 99%. Roman Catholicism is the official religion, with freedom of other religions guaranteed by the constitution.


  • Monaco Geography
  • Monaco Government
  • Monaco Economy
  • Monaco History