Cambodia People, Population, Religion and Nationality


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Cambodia People

Browse the information below for demographic information on Cambodia, including population, religion, nationality and more. If you do not find the Cambodia information you need on the people page, check out our complete listing on the Cambodia Country Page.

  • Cambodia Geography
  • Cambodia Government
  • Cambodia Economy
  • Cambodia History

    Nationality: Noun and adjective--Cambodian(s), Khmer.
    Population (2003 est.): 12,313,486.
    Avg. annual growth rate 2.5%.
    Health: Infant mortality rate--95 /1,000. Life expectancy--54 years male; 58 years female.
    Ethnic groups: Cambodian 90%; Chinese and Vietnamese 5% each; small numbers of hill tribes, Chams, and Burmese.
    Religions: Theravada Buddhism 95%; Islam; animism; Christian.
    Languages: Khmer (official) spoken by more than 95% of the population, including minorities; some French still spoken; English increasingly popular as a second language.
    Education: Years compulsory--none. Enrollment--primary school, 93%; grades 7 to 9, 20%; grades 10 to 12, 7%; and post-secondary, 1.2%. Literacy (total population over 15 that can read and write, 1998)--67.3% (male 79.5%; female 57.0%).


  • Cambodia Geography
  • Cambodia Government
  • Cambodia Economy
  • Cambodia History