Trinidad and Tobago Government, Constitution, Flag, and Leaders


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Trinidad and Tobago Government

Browse the listing below to find government information for Trinidad and Tobago, including flags, leaders, and constitution information. Factrover also has complete information on Trinidad and Tobago at its Trinidad and Tobago Country Page.

  • Trinidad and Tobago People
  • Trinidad and Tobago Geography
  • Trinidad and Tobago Economy
  • Trinidad and Tobago History

    Type: Parliamentary democracy.
    Independence: August 31,1962.
    Present constitution: August 31, 1976.
    Branches: Executive--president (chief of state), prime minister (head of government), cabinet. Legislative--bicameral parliament. Judicial--independent court system; highest court of appeal is Privy Council in London.
    Subdivisions: 7 counties, 4 municipalities (Trinidad); Tobago House of Assembly (Tobago).
    Political parties: People's National Movement (PNM), United National Congress (UNC), National Alliance for Reconstruction (NAR) and others.
    Suffrage: Universal at 18.

    Government of Trinidad and Tobago
    Trinidad and Tobago is a unitary state, with a parliamentary democracy modeled after that of the U.K. From 1962 until 1976, Trinidad and Tobago, although completely independent, acknowledged the British monarch as the figurehead chief of state. In 1976, the country adopted a republican Constitution, replacing Queen Elizabeth with a president elected by Parliament. The general direction and control of the government rests with the cabinet, led by a prime minister and answerable to the bicameral Parliament.

    The 36 members of the House of Representatives are elected to terms of at least 5 years. Elections may be called earlier by the president at the request of the prime minister or after a vote of no confidence in the House of Representatives. The Senate's 31 members are appointed by the president: 16 on the advice of the prime minister, six on the advice of the leader of the opposition, and nine independents selected by the president from among outstanding members of the community. Trinidad's seven counties and four largest cities are administered by elected councils. Tobago was given a measure of self-government in 1980 and is governed by the Tobago House of Assembly. In 1996, Parliament passed legislation which gave Tobago greater self-government.

    The country's highest court is the Court of Appeals, whose chief justice is appointed by the president after consultation with the prime minister and leader of the opposition. Final appeal on some matters is decided by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London. Trinidad and Tobago was chosen by its Caribbean neighbors (CARICOM) to be the headquarters site of a contemplated Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) to replace the Privy Council in the fall of 2003.


  • Trinidad and Tobago People
  • Trinidad and Tobago Geography
  • Trinidad and Tobago Economy
  • Trinidad and Tobago History