Tanzania Government, Constitution, Flag, and Leaders


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Tanzania Government

Browse the listing below to find government information for Tanzania, including flags, leaders, and constitution information. Factrover also has complete information on Tanzania at its Tanzania Country Page.

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  • Tanzania History

    Type: Republic.
    Independence: Tanganyika 1961, Zanzibar 1963; Union formed 1964.
    Constitution: 1982.
    Branches: Executive--president (chief of state and commander in chief), vice president, and prime minister. Legislative--unicameral National Assembly (for the Union), House of Representatives (for Zanzibar only). Judicial--Mainland: Court of Appeals, High Courts, resident Magistrate Courts, district courts, and primary courts. Zanzibar: High Court, people's district courts, kadhis court (Islamic courts).
    Political parties: Chama cha Mapindu (CCM), Civic United Front (CUF), Chama cha Demoirasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), Union for Multiparty Democracy (UMD), National Conversion for Construction and Reform (NCCR), National League for Democracy (NLD), Tanzania People's Party (TPP), United People's Democratic Party (UPDP), National Reconstruction Alliance (NRA) Popular National Party (PONA); Tanzania Democratic Alliance Party (TADEA), Tanzania Labour Party (TLP), The United Democratic Party (UDP), The Forum for Restoration of Democracy (FORD), Democrasia Makini Haki Na Ustawi (CHAUSTA)
    Suffrage: Universal at l8.
    Administrative subdivisions: 26 regions (21 on mainland, 3 on Zanzibar, 2 on Pemba).

    Government of Tanzania
    Tanzania's president and National Assembly members are elected concurrently by direct popular vote for 5-year terms. The president appoints a prime minister who serves as the government's leader in the National Assembly. The president selects his cabinet from among National Assembly members. The Constitution also empowers him to nominate 10 non-elected members of Parliament, who also are eligible to become cabinet members. Elections for president and all National Assembly seats will be held in October 2005.

    The unicameral National Assembly elected in 2000 has 295 members. These 295 members include the Attorney General, five members elected from the Zanzibar House of Representatives to participate in the Parliament, the special women's seats which are made up of 20% of the seats a particular party has in the House, 181 constituents seats of members of Parliament from the mainland, and 50 seats from Zanzibar. Also in the list are 48 appointed for women and the seats for the 10 nominated members of Parliament. At present, the ruling CCM holds about 93% of the seats in the Assembly. Laws passed by the National Assembly are valid for Zanzibar only in specifically designated union matters.

    Zanzibar's House of Representatives has jurisdiction over all non-union matters. There are currently 76 members in the House of Representatives in Zanzibar, including 50 elected by the people, 10 appointed by the president of Zanzibar, 5 exofficio members, and an attorney general appointed by the president. In May 2002, the government increased the number of special seats allocated to women from 10 to 15, which will increase the number of House of Representatives members to 81. Ostensibly, Zanzibar's House of Representatives can make laws for Zanzibar without the approval of the union government as long as it does not involve union-designated matters. The terms of office for Zanzibar's president and House of Representatives also are 5 years. The semiautonomous relationship between Zanzibar and the union is a relatively unique system of government.

    Tanzania has a five-level judiciary combining the jurisdictions of tribal, Islamic, and British common law. Appeal is from the primary courts through the district courts, resident magistrate courts, to the high courts, and Court of Appeals. Judges are appointed by the Chief Justice, except those for the Court of Appeals and the High Court who are appointed by the president. The Zanzibari court system parallels the legal system of the union, and all cases tried in Zanzibari courts, except for those involving constitutional issues and Islamic law, can be appealed to the Court of Appeals of the union. A commercial court was established in September 1999 as a division of the High Court.

    For administrative purposes, Tanzania is divided into 26 regions--21 on the mainland, 3 on Zanzibar, and 2 on Pemba. Ninety-nine district councils have been created to further increase local authority. These districts are also now referred to as local government authorities. Currently there are 114 councils operating in 99 districts, 22 are urban and 92 are rural. The 22 urban units are classified further as city (Dar es Salaam and Mwanza), municipal (Arusha, Dodoma, Iringa, Kilimanjaro, Mbeya, Morogoro, Shinyanga, Tabora, and Tanga), and town councils (the remaining 11 communities).

    source: http://www.state.gov

  • Tanzania People
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  • Tanzania History