Jordan Government, Constitution, Flag, and Leaders


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Jordan Government

Browse the listing below to find government information for Jordan, including flags, leaders, and constitution information. Factrover also has complete information on Jordan at its Jordan Country Page.

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  • Jordan History

    Type: Constitutional monarchy.
    Independence: May 25, 1946.
    Constitution: January 8, 1952.
    Branches: Executive--king (chief of state), prime minister (head of government), council of ministers (cabinet). Legislative--bicameral National Assembly (appointed Senate, elected Chamber of Deputies). Judicial--civil, religious, special courts.
    Political parties: Wide spectrum of parties legalized in 1992.
    Suffrage: Universal at 18.
    Administrative subdivisions: Twelve governorates--Irbid, Jarash, Ajloun, al-'Aqaba, Madaba, al-Mafraq, al-Zarqa, Amman, al-Balqa, al-Karak, al-Tafilah, and Ma'an.

    Government of Jordan
    Jordan is a constitutional monarchy based on the constitution promulgated on January 8, 1952. Executive authority is vested in the king and his council of ministers. The king signs and executes all laws. His veto power may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of both houses of the National Assembly. He appoints and may dismiss all judges by decree, approves amendments to the constitution, declares war, and commands the armed forces. Cabinet decisions, court judgments, and the national currency are issued in his name. The king, who may dismiss other cabinet members at the prime minister's request, appoints the council of ministers, led by a prime minister. The cabinet is responsible to the Chamber of Deputies on matters of general policy and can be forced to resign by a two-thirds vote of "no confidence" by that body.

    Legislative power rests in the bicameral National Assembly. The number of deputies in the current Chamber of Deputies is 110, with a number of seats reserved for various religions, ethnicities, and a women’s quota. The Chamber, elected by universal suffrage to a 4-year term, is subject to dissolution by the king. The king appoints the 40-member Senate for an 8-year term.

    The constitution provides for three categories of courts--civil, religious, and special. Administratively, Jordan is divided into 12 governorates, each headed by a governor appointed by the king. They are the sole authorities for all government departments and development projects in their respective areas.


  • Jordan People
  • Jordan Geography
  • Jordan Economy
  • Jordan History