Iraq Geography, Climate, Areas, Cities


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Iraq Geography

The information below contains geography information for Iraq, including climate, weather, cities, and area information. You can also check out the Iraq Country Page for additional resources.

  • Iraq People
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  • Iraq History

    Area: 437,072 sq. km.; about the size of California.
    Cities: Capital--Baghdad (pop. 3.8 million 1986 est.). Other cities--Basrah, Mosul, Karkuk, As Sulaymaniyah, Irbil.
    Terrain: Alluvial plains, mountains, and desert.
    Climate: Mostly hot and dry.

    Geography of Iraq
    Iraq is bordered by Kuwait, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. The country slopes from mountains over 3,000 meters (10,000 ft.) above sea level along the border with Iran and Turkey to the remnants of sea-level, reedy marshes in the southeast. Much of the land is desert or wasteland. The mountains in the northeast are an extension of the alpine system that runs eastward from the Balkans into southern Turkey, northern Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, terminating in the Himalayas.

    Average temperatures range from higher than 48oC (120oF) in July and August to below freezing in January. Most of the rainfall occurs from December through April and averages between 10 and 18 centimeters (4-7 in.) annually. The mountainous region of northern Iraq receives appreciably more precipitation than the central or southern desert region.