Bosnia and Herzegovina Geography, Climate, Areas, Cities


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Bosnia and Herzegovina Geography

The information below contains geography information for Bosnia and Herzegovina, including climate, weather, cities, and area information. You can also check out the Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Page for additional resources.

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina People
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Government
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Economy
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina History

    Area: 51,233 sq. km, slightly smaller than West Virginia.
    Cities: Capital--Sarajevo (est. pop 387,876); Banja Luka (220,407); Mostar (208,904); Tuzla (118,500); Bihac (49,544).
    Terrain: Mountains in the central and southern regions, plains along the Sava River in the north.
    Climate: Hot summers and cold winters; areas of high elevation have short, cool summers and long severe winters; mild, rainy winters in the southeast. source: