Azerbaijan Geography, Climate, Areas, Cities


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Azerbaijan Geography

The information below contains geography information for Azerbaijan, including climate, weather, cities, and area information. You can also check out the Azerbaijan Country Page for additional resources.

  • Azerbaijan People
  • Azerbaijan Government
  • Azerbaijan Economy
  • Azerbaijan History

    Location: South Caucasus; bordered by Russia to the north, the Caspian Sea to the east, Iran to the south, and Georgia and Armenia to the west.
    Area: 33,774 sq. mi. (includes Nakhchivan and Nagorno-Karabakh); slightly smaller than Maine.
    Cities: Capital--Baku.
    Terrain: Caucasus Mountains to the north, lowland in the central area through which the Kura River flows.
    Climate: Dry, subtropical with hot summers and mild winters; forests, meadows, and alpine tundra in the mountains.